About us
Here at the J, we take pride in helping children and families learn, play, and connect with their community. From Shalom, Baby! to Afterschool at the J, we have programming for babies, kids, tweens, teens & everything in-between!
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Afterschool at the J provides a warm, nurturing environment for young children grades K-5, where they have the opportunity to expand the learning of their school day, connect with peers, and build supportive, caring relationships with talented early childhood professionals.
In addition to a diverse range of daily classes, specifically designed for the unique age range, we offer a curriculum that revolves around exploring the outdoors, long term projects, creating and performing arts, athletics, and Jewish values.
Sample Schedule(M-F 2:15-6:00PM):
2:207-772-1959:45PM Welcome Circle & Snack
2:207-772-1959:30PM Outdoor Exploration
3:30-4:30PM Enrichment Activities (Cooking, Music, Science, Athletics, Arts & Crafts, Yoga, Theater, and More!)
4:207-772-1959:30PM Homework Support/Tutoring & Free Choice Time
5:207-772-1959:00PM Pick-up
Center Day Camp fosters a strong sense of belonging and connection. All are welcome, and everyone is valued and celebrated.
Counselors stress kindness, respect and character and our grounding history as a Jewish camp means that our program offers a unique focus on universal values like integrity, honesty, responsibility, and caring for one another and the earth.
We are a child-centered program that seeks to support campers as they build confidence, make new friends, explore new interests, discover their abilities, and learn new skills.
PJ Library is a national program that, together with the JCA, sends free-to-you, age-appropriate, Jewish-themed books each month to children from birth through 8 years old.
Created and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is funded in partnership with local philanthropists and organizations, including the JCA. PJ Library engages families with young children to foster children’s curiosity about Jewish culture. Regardless of your level of observance or affiliation, the stories and songs are sure to enrich your entire family’s Jewish journey. PJ Library and the JCA are proud to connect families in Southern Maine to the local Jewish community.
For more information about signing up for PJ Library or our children's programming, please contact the JCA, at 207-772-1959 or jca@mainejewish.org.
The Gift of Israel (GOI) program enables Jewish students from Southern Maine to have an Israel experience as a meaningful part of the Jewish education. The Gift of Israel program is a unique partnership among families, temples and synagogues, and the Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine (JCA). It is an effort to assist families in contributing funds toward an educational program in Israel for participating students, and is promoted by local congregations.
Enrollment Information
Request a Gift of Israel participation agreement.
Return signed form to: Finance Department, Jewish Community Alliance,
1342 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04102
Materials to open a Signature Bank account will be sent to you once the JCA notifies your synagogue of your enrollment and processes your form.
Parental contributions must be received by February 15 each calendar year.
1342 Congress St. Portland, ME 04102
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:30PM
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