As One, let's build a future where we uphold our values with integrity, where compassion guides our decisions, and where the divine humanity in each of us shines through.
In these challenging times, we sometimes find ourselves at odds with those we love
most. Friendships strain, family ties fray, and conversations that once flowed freely now
falter under the weight of differing perspectives.
We’ve heard countless stories this year of rifts deepening over impassioned debates about
Israel and Gaza. These discussions, once a mark of our shared commitment to justice
and peace, have now become divisive, causing silence where there was once dialogue, judgment where there was once understanding.
As we navigate these turbulent waters, let us remember: unity does not mean uniformity.
It means embracing our diversity of thought and experience while holding fast to the
bonds that unite us—As One—as a community.
As we look toward the future, let’s envision a Jewish community where we come together As One in love and respect; where we weather storms, our bonds unbroken. The JCA is the table around which we gather, a place to foster dialogue and nurture connections. A place where diverse voices are heard and valued, where understanding flourishes, and where we find common ground amid differences.
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With endless gratitude to Rachael and Justin Alfond for pioneering this giving society in 2020, along with individuals who stepped up to show their unwavering support.
This giving circle recognizes donors of any giving level who double their Annual Campaign gift. Those who step forward embrace Tikvah - hope- for the future, and ensure the ongoing strength of this amazing community!
Pomegranate Society
The Pomegranate Society recognizes women who make a commitment of $1,800-$4,999 to the Annual Campaign in their own name. The pomegranate is a symbol of a woman's commitment to and compassion for the Jewish people. This giving level represents the best of what Federation does - bringing together like-minded donors to do a world of good.
One of the seven fruits named in the Bible, the pomegranate is said to contain 613 seeds, one for each of the mitzvot, or commandments, found in the Torah. Are you interested in joining the Pomegranate Society? Contact us for more information.
Lion of Judah is an international group of philanthropic Jewish women who care deeply about the Jewish future and give a generous gift of, at minimum, $5,000.
Lions of Judah are leaders who inspire others to give back, strengthen the Jewish people, and make the world a better place for all. Are you interested in becoming a Lion? Contact us today for more information.
Through your generosity, we provide critical assistance to local organizations and groups that support the vibrancy and continuity of Jewish life in Maine, as well as to overseas organizations that address some of the most critical issues of our time. This past year, the Southern Maine Jewish community's support of the Annual Federated Campaign made it possible for the JCA to allocate $188,293 to these amazing organizations.
1342 Congress St. Portland, ME 04102
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:30PM
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