Refugee Resettlement & Newcomer Services

Michael Klahr Jewish Family Services


Refugee Resettlement

As a HIAS affiliate network partner, the JCA welcomes refugees from countries all over the world. We help meet them at the airport, ensure they have housing, and help them find work and the services they need to flourish in their new home in Maine.

Our commitment to the needs of refugees comes from many places: from the biblical injunction to "welcome the stranger" to the personal stories of our community members' families who fled persecution to find safety here in Maine. The Refugee Resettlement program operates under the auspices of HIAS, the Global Jewish Organization for Refugees. Reception and Placement services are paid for, in part, through financial assistance provided by the Department of State. 

What We Do

Refugees are people who cannot return to their homeland due to a well-founded fear of persecution. They may be persecuted for their religious or political beliefs. Many flee from war, genocide or brutality by a military regime.

In the past two years we have resettled over 200 refugees from around the world to southern Maine– their new home. Our programs and comprehensive services assist refugees in becoming engaged U.S. citizens.  Refugees bring optimism, hope and unique vibrancy that enriches our local community. Our multi-cultural, multi-lingual staff provides comprehensive services  – starting from picking up refugees at the airport, registering children in school, and finding initial employment.

Staff walk with families as they learn to navigate healthcare, social services, and life decisions in their new home.

We work closely with them to ensure that each individual achieves independence and is a productive member of our society. We help refugees resettle here safely, learn English, gain employment and become valued, contributing members of our community. 

The success of this program is based on community partnerships with employers, volunteers, landlords, school districts, donors, and community-based organizations. We depend on our community to assist in the successful resettlement of refugees.

Services and support includes:

Airport transportation

Assistance enrolling in benefits

Cultural orientation

Employment assistance

Establishing and outfitting housing

Transportation to medical providers

Reception and Placement

This program offers wrap-around services to support refugees, such as support with finding housing, schools for children, medical services, employment, and cultural/community services.

Preferred Communities

Preferred Communities provides intensive case management and support services to recently arrived refugees facing barriers to self-sufficiency. Services include comprehensive case management and timely access to a wide range of community resources, employment services, and health care providers and medical treatment.

Employment Support

The employment support program helps place refugees into sustainable employment. Refugees participate in job training, such as certifications and mock interviews, connect to employment resources in the community, and receive support such as transportation to job interviews and English language practice.

Welcoming Our New Neighbors

Join us to help make southern Maine home for New Americans! The JFS refugee resettlement program assists refugees as they begin a new life in our community.

Experience the JOY of helping a refugee family start a new life on the path to independence when you:

What We need

We are continually restocking inventory to allow us to furnish apartments for new refugee arrivals. JFS receives short notice, sometimes only twenty-four hours before pick up at the airport, and therefore need to have supplies on hand.

Get Involved

Donate funds: Please consider a donation to the JCA’s HIAS program today so that we can continue to provide the warmest welcome to our newest neighbors.

Volunteer: Volunteers are crucial to our Refugee Resettlement work; helping families to find housing, get settled, get items they need, and even finding meaningful employment. Contact Adam Seigal for more information about volunteering at the JCA.

Donate Items: Refugees arriving in the Maine need everything from furniture to cookware, cleaning supplies to appropriate winter clothing. You can help by donating new or used items in good condition!

Welcome New Mainers

Join us in supporting our newest neighbors through the HIAS Refugee Resettlement Program at the JCA.

Volunteer: Lend a helping hand to welcome individuals and families starting over in our community.

Donations: Your financial  contributions help provide essential support and resources.

Wishlist: Donate gently used or new household items to create warm, welcoming homes. Or consider checking out our Wishlist for essential items that will make a meaningful difference.

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