The Hebrew Ladies Society
by Marilyn Weinberg
When we consider Women’s History Month, we often think of individuals who, through their acts of courage, really made a difference in our communities and our world.
And yet sometimes we overlook the acts of a group of women, who through their commitment and hard work, also made a difference.
In 1919 in Bath, according to a local newspaper, the Jewish men met and agreed to start the process of building a synagogue of their own after having used multiple venues throughout the city including a pool hall.
What was not published in the newspaper was that the women of the budding Jewish community decided they would form their organization to raise money for this huge project.
They called themselves the Hebrew Ladies’ Society and began a group that lasted for over 50 years. Women from Bath and Brunswick totaled over 30 members. Meetings initially were held weekly and soon moved to every other week. They paid 10¢ per meeting dues and raffled off homemade items at each meeting to make more money. Most of them had families and worked alongside their husbands in the family business. They were busy, but this was important for them. In 1920, after putting in hours of work, they were able to donate $500 to the building fund. They continued this work, organizing social events, rummage sales, and holiday events year after year. Without their efforts, the Beth Israel Congregation would not have survived.
Beth Israel has amassed minutes of the Hebrew Ladies Society from 1919 until 1962. The minutes give us a slice of Jewish life experienced in our small communities over time. Some are funny and some very serious. My favorite is the constant battle of the women trying to get the men to clean up the kitchen. These anecdotes tell us a story of the importance of women in our Jewish communities.
A sample from the minutes:
Bath, Maine - December 31, 1921
Mrs M.S. Povich - recording secretary.
The Hebrew Ladies’ Society held a social whist party…A large crowd attended...the whole Jewish population of Bath and Brunswick with only a few absent. Whist was enjoyed by all, and prizes were distributed including a necktie donated by Mrs. N. Povich and there was even a booby prize (a hairpin) donated by Mrs. M. Cohen. The food remaining was auctioned off. The party was a financial success having raised $21.60.
You can find the full minutes of the Hebrew Ladies Society as part of the Judaica Collection at the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine.
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